Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Support transit referendum to help fathers support families

Recently, the nonprofit Fathers & Families Center, an organization working with fathers who have educational, workforce, legal and child support issues, conducted interviews with fathers in our community from all walks of life. A common theme was conveyed: Fathers have the ultimate responsibility to provide for their families.

That’s not new, of course, but what struck me was the challenges fathers in the center’s programs face fulfilling that responsibility. What often stands in their way is reliable, accessible and affordable transportation. I heard from fathers who have spent four hours getting back and forth to work because they must rely on a bus system that can’t meet workers’ and our community’s needs.

A reliable public transit system is an essential community asset, not a luxury or indulgence. Indianapolis needs to do better, and we can do better if you’ll join me in supporting the Marion County Transit Plan referendum on the ballot Nov. 8.

The proposed enhancements to the existing IndyGo infrastructure will provide Central Indiana taxpayers a priceless return on their investment. Indianapolis is a practical, can-do and compassionate community. Let’s demonstrate our appreciation of this value-added proposition and vote for the common good and for fathers who want to work and care for their families.
